A boy sits on a bed

In the battle for forgotten children, Cross International is fighting back

On paper, Kevin is typical preteen. He gets A’s in English class, is social and kind, loves his family and consistently offers to help others. However, Kevin’s life is anything but typical. He lives alone in a small plastic tarp structure in Jinotepe, Nicaragua, the second poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, because his home wasn’t safe. 

From trauma to triumph

Like over 700,000 other children in Nicaragua, extreme poverty leaves Kevin vulnerable to trafficking, abuse, neglect and malnourishment. At 12 years old, Kevin made the heartbreaking decision to leave his mom, sister and home for a place of safety, security and refuge: Arms of Love. Where some see despair, Kevin found hope. 

Kevin finds healing, encouragement, nourishment, friendship, safety and education for both mind and heart at Arms of Love, a Cross International Partner. Arms of Love gives orphaned, abandoned and abused children in Nicaragua a home, a family and a future, with the hope that they will become the leaders of tomorrow in their communities and churches. 

Kevin is thriving in school today. He receives trauma therapy, is more outgoing and has meaningful, Christ-centered relationships. Kevin volunteers to help out whenever he can, and depends on Arms of Love every day for lunch and dinner. 

Empowering Thriving Kids to impact the world

Nicaragua was one of the fastest-growing economies in Central America until political unrest and violence exploded in April 2018. Today, over half of the population lives in extreme poverty, without access to clean water, electricity, education and medical care. Children are most affected, putting them at risk to human trafficking, abuse, malnutrition and child labor.

Arms of Love seeks out needy children like Kevin to care for: vulnerable, separated from their parents due to death, abandonment and/or abuse, and victims of oppression, exploitation and injustice. Today, Arms of Love is home to 30 orphaned, abandoned and abused children. 51 kids from 45 families in need find support through the Community Development Program and 15 students are learning to break the cycle of poverty in the Independent Living Program. Yet there are over 700,000 vulnerable children in Nicaragua.

With your ongoing support, more children will have a safe place to grow and flourish, more students will create a better life for the next generation, staff will be better equipped in trauma therapy, and Kevin’s community will reach the next level of growth and care.   

Fighting for the forgotten children

We believe every child deserves a safe place to live. When you support Arms of Love, you help create a loving, Christ-centered environment for children who have experienced severe trauma. Together, we can live out God’s command to love thy neighbor and help transform neglected children into Thriving Kids. 

Through God’s adoptive and unconditional love, Nicaragua’s forgotten children can become Thriving Kids. We pray you’ll consider monthly support so kids in need like Kevin can feel value, purpose, equipped and empowered to lead communities, churches and the world.


Group of Zambian women show off clothes they've sewn.

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Within the Eastern Province of Zambia, many single, divorced and widowed women find it exceedingly difficult to provide for their household’s basic needs. But our local partner uses self-help groups to empower these women to build sustainable small businesses.

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Family standing in front of the home built as part of the housing program in Malawi

Building Hope in Malawi

Malawi’s struggles have worsened due to COVID-19 and storms like Cyclone Ana, displacing over 190,000 people. Safe homes for these vulnerable families can provide shelter, stability, and hope.

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