Medical Aid

The life-changing numbers behind our medical aid ministry

“Without health care, how can children reach their full potential? And without a healthy, productive population, how can societies realize their aspirations?” Anthony Lake, UNICEF Executive Director 

At least half of the world’s population cannot obtain essential health services, according to a new report from the World Bank and WHO. For almost 100 million people, out-of-pocket health care expenses are high enough to push them into extreme poverty, forcing them to survive on just $1.90 or less a day. At Cross International, we know that resolving health issues is critical for other services like micro-enterprise training to be effective. That’s why medical aid will always be an important component of the services we provide through our work with local ministry partners around the world.

In 2019, with the support of donors like you, Cross International medical aid ministry made a life-changing impact for thousands of children and their families around the world. 

2019 medical aid impact

4144 children rescued from health-threatening situations

54 medical staff across multiple countries 

$76 million worth of supplies shipped in overseas medical containers 

43,129 gifts in kind provided to clinics, children, and families in need

Read more about our perspective on medical aid and how you can join us by giving generously to the ministry of Cross International and its many local partners throughout the world, who provide services, medicine, and healthcare to those who need our help.


Group of Zambian women show off clothes they've sewn.

Sewing a Better Future

Within the Eastern Province of Zambia, many single, divorced and widowed women find it exceedingly difficult to provide for their household’s basic needs. But our local partner uses self-help groups to empower these women to build sustainable small businesses.

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Family standing in front of the home built as part of the housing program in Malawi

Building Hope in Malawi

Malawi’s struggles have worsened due to COVID-19 and storms like Cyclone Ana, displacing over 190,000 people. Safe homes for these vulnerable families can provide shelter, stability, and hope.

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