Young musicians take the stage to bring clean water in Africa
14-year-old Hugh and his younger brother, 13-year-old Liam, are committed to the cause of clean water—they’re also talented musicians. Hugh and Liam’s family has been partnering with Cross International for a number of years to reach those in need around the world. That’s how Hugh and Liam discovered the dire need for clean water in Africa, and the Chipata district of Zambia in particular. In this region, 76-percent of households lack access to clean, safe water. The consequences for this lack of water can be heartbreaking.
Unsafe water can cause chronic sickness, diarrhea, and even death. Not having easy access to the water they need for drinking, washing, cooking, and cleaning can also lead to back-breaking work for women and children especially. All too often children are forced to miss school in order to make the long and treacherous journey to a distant water source to retrieve heavy buckets of water for their families.
Hugh and Liam want to change this sad reality by bringing clean water in Zambia.

Raising Money for Clean Water
After learning about the clean water problems in Africa, Hugh and Liam’s hearts were moved to help. They decided to use their musical talents to raise money to build a well in Zambia. The brothers began taking their guitars to local restaurants and coffee shops and using their music to spread awareness for the plight of Zambians and encourage donations towards building a well.

Building Wells in Zambia
Cross International is in the midst of a three-year initiative with the Kachere Development Program (KDP), our long-time partner in Zambia, to construct wells in the Chipata district. One well can provide water for 600 people. The goal of the initiative is to build hand-pump wells in 14 communities across the region. Some of these wells have already been constructed bringing the blessing of clean water to villages that were in desperate need. “I used to suffer a lot by covering a long distance with a bucket of water on my head,” said Naomi, a well beneficiary. “With the new well in my village, I have time to rest, I can attend church services and other social activities in the village. My children are able to go to school and attend classes regularly. May God bless Cross International!”
Hugh and Liam want to make Naomi’s story a reality for more people desperate for clean water. “That’s what we want to do,” they said, “to use our love of music to provide clean water to a village in Zambia.”